Saturday 29 December 2012

Insanity personified

“Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.” 

I have no idea who said this but I know now that I am insane by definition. I have been struggling with my Digital Communication project. Well, I don't know how it happens but it starts acting like a total stranger every now and then. I am actually doing the same thing again and again but it also gives new results every time. So its more like a tie in insanity between me and my project. I may sound a bit defensive here but well somebody has to take the blame. And it will be better it this somebody is the project rather than me. For morale.

At the same time my computer has turned into a turtle. I know it wins at the end but I am not looking for end here. Simulations are already pretty time consuming without adding the contribution from my computer's speed.

 Thank God it doesn't take a MATLAB simulation to write a new blog post.


  1. Maybe you should let someone else do the work at times. Try being me for a change, for instance? Not permanently.

  2. I wish I knew how to do that.
