Thursday 8 October 2009

Patras k Mazameen by Patras Bukhari

It was hilarious !

Even more due to the fact that an excerpt from this book was included in my urdu textbook at school and I had a lot of memories about how we mocked each other with the jokes in this book. 

I am a big fan of Urdu humour. My favourites include works of Ibn-e-Insha, Mushtaq Ahmed Yousufi, Col. Mohammad Khan and most of all Patras Bukhari. I probably read the excerpt in my texbook more than 15-20 times over the year and at that time I could remember it word by word.

Then I got hold of his book and treated it in the very same way.

I have a feeling that it might not be that popular with adults or those who have left student life long ago, because most of the book is devoted to making fun of hostel and college life.

It is undoubtedly a book to be treasured.