Sunday 27 January 2013

Not Harry Potter-Good

Currently Reading The Casual Vacancy by J. K. Rowling:

I am still reading it or rather struggling with it. i chose to read it because I am a very loyal and passionate Harry Potter fan and I genuinely like J.K. Rowling's style. But the tone that is so endearing in children fantasy novels is not so appropriate in a story like The Casual Vacancy.

I have read roughly 100 pages and I am becoming somewhat tired of the seemingly unending gossip. The reactions to Fairbrother's death that Rowling describes look so idiotic. I mean it appears that the characters have literally devoted their lives to gossip and they have nothing more to be proud of than the news of death of their opponent. I am not at all surprised by the ludicrous nature of prejudice that the Pagfordians have against Fielders; that is not unheard of. What surprises me is the way they act about it. In short, the behaviours descriptions are not realistic at all and are overly dragged. They would be suitable for a children's novel but this one cannot qualify as children's because of the subject of story. Moreover there are a number of badly placed jokes. And it drags everything.

I am not sure how much gossip people can enjoy,may be a lot but I certainly cannot enjoy so much gossip-reading.

It might not be a bad story; that is still to see. But it is an average one. Not the one that should have won goodreads choice awards. I mean people who chose to read this book are mostly those who liked Harry Potter series (that is my opinion about most people; there certainly are exceptions). I dont understand how these people can like the casual vacancy just as much. They are so different. So I agree with those who say that it is popular because of J.K Rowling's name and not the content. This book is an average read. Its not bad but it is not great either.

So thats all for now. I hope someday I shall be able to complete it.( My mind simply drifts to other things while reading it and I miss a lot of things. its mostly gossip, so no worries there)

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